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Five steps to generating revenue through guest consultations

Article-Five steps to generating revenue through guest consultations

Five steps to generating revenue through guest consultations

The single most important individual to the success of any medispa is the GUEST. So, how you care for your guests during their visit will determine whether they come back or disappear forever.  

One of the most important aspects in any business is a sales model. However, often when I ask medispa professionals what their sales model is, they give me a puzzled look. Many spend more time selecting a product line than figuring out how they will make sales once a new guest comes in. 

So, do you have a sales model? How about a systematic process for handling new guests? Does every team member know this process and exactly what to do when a new guest comes into your practice?  

The most important step of the entire patient experience is the consultation. It helps ensure that you are going to provide the patient with exactly what they need, address their challenges and deliver the results they are looking for, so an in-depth guest consultation should definitely be part of your sales model. 

This article features five steps to generating revenue through the guest consultation. These steps can help improve guest satisfaction, retention rate and your income. 

Step 1: Schedule time to conduct an in-depth consultation

When you have a new client, you should always reserve about 45 minutes to one hour for the consultation. This will give you an opportunity to build the relationship, discover their concerns, their needs and enable you to create a customized program for them.  

All new patients should go through the consultation process. To do this, your Guest Relations team must be trained on how to present the consultation appointment and make the reservation. I recommend fee-based consultations to ensure a more qualified client and increase your conversion rate.

Step 2: Identifying the patient’s concerns

To identify your patient’s concerns, you must use an exemplary intake form. This form must list, by category, the many possible problems and/or concerns they may have; face, body, hair, sexual health, wellness, weight loss, etc. Anything that you offer a solution for, should be listed on the printed form. The patient marks the concerns they have, providing you the opportunity to customize a program for them that is focused on solving their problems.

In addition, depending on the type of treatments you offer, you should have analysis equipment for the face, body and hair. When people actually see their skincare concerns with their own eyes, they are more motivated to proceed with treatment based on your recommendations.

Step 3: Develop a customized treatment program

As you all know, to fully address your patient’s concerns and achieve meaningful results, multiple treatments are typically required. It is your professional obligation to recommend a wide range of treatments, not just one, to help your patients reach their goals. One treatment is not going to solve the problem. It takes a customized program!

Step 4: Recommend an at-home care program

Recommend an at-home care regimen in every consultation. Home care is an important part of gaining and maintaining results. Don’t cheat your patients out of your professional advice or rob your business from the additional income you could be generating from at-home care products. 

Step 5: Measure treatment outcomes

The goal of the consultation is to recommend customized treatment programs that will give you raving fans and generate revenue. An important part of this is measuring the outcomes and gaining testimonials from happy clients. Take before and after pictures, document progress and measure improvements. And make sure you gain a raving fan to help build your business. 

Video testimonials are an excellent way for clients to showcase their successful results. Ask your happy patients to film a short video singing your praises.

Conducting a proper guest consultation is a major part of your sales model. Without it, you will be operating your business on an “a la carte” basis. 

We have created the S.A.C.R.E.D. Guest Consultation system to help you reach the highest level of success possible. If you are interested in learning more we invite you to visit: 

About the author

Dori Soukup, Founder and CEO
Ms. Soukup is a global speaker, author, mentor, consultant and the founder and CEO of InSPAration Management, a firm specializing in spa and medispa business development, advanced education and BizTools. Over the past 20 years, Ms. Soukup has contributed to the success of medispa companies worldwide. She is passionate about developing innovative, effective, educational programs and business strategies that lead to exponential growth and profits. Her articles and insights are featured in national and international trade publications, and you can find her book, Spa Business Secrets to Increase Profits, on Amazon.

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